Friday, November 1, 2013

My First Blog.. The Beginning

Hello All, 
     I am not sure if I'm cut out for this blogging sort of thing. I'm not even sure where to begin. I am assuming that if you're reading this or any of the others I may post in the future then you know who I am personally. Or maybe not. 
This is me currently!
Just like the rest of us I have good and bad days so my thoughts or rants (if you will) may be determined by the day I am having. For those of you who don't know me at all or maybe not as well as others.. I could start by giving some background of the first 39 years... I have often thought of making my life a book. It has been a wild and interesting ride. This could be a good start to that. Please always feel free to comment or ask questions. 

Year 1: Born in Inchon City Korea in 1974,so I have been told by my parents who adopted me and dropped me in New Jersey in 1975. I was an extremely ill but adorable (well, I think I was)baby when I arrived from Korea. Please keep in mind this is the mid 70's in a predominantly white farm town(use of the word predominantly should actually mean 99.9% and white should be replaced with Caucasian, my failed attempt at being politically correct). So my arrival while exciting for most was probably mildly controversial for others. After much time spent in the hospital and bouncing around Dr.'s offices my health improved and I was well on my way to a new and prosperous life in the good ole US of A.
BUT Little did I know..... 

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