Friday, November 1, 2013

What is this odd place?

My life has taken me through numerous restaurants and bars, shopping malls, movie theaters, city streets, public bathrooms and lots of other places in between.  As I approach my 40's I think of all that I've seen and done and where has it gotten me? Not much further from where I started I suppose. Although the lessons I have learned are priceless. I had a typical childhood... Oh wait maybe not. 
As I have mentioned in previous posts I was born in Korea and airmailed to NJ. I spent my early years in a small farm town in NJ, perhaps not understanding the massive and odd world that awaited me. 

My first grade year was fairly uneventful, by this time my reading, writing and arithmetic skills had well developed and I had even made some friends along the way. My first grade teacher who has now passed was Mrs. Benner. She was a sweet old woman who often corrected her students for saying "Yup" instead of "Yes" when answering a question. She would respond with gentle scold of "Your'e not a dog, so you shouldn't answer with a Yup". I still don't think I've learned that lesson. Sorry Mrs. Benner.. You tried and for that I appreciate it. Passing first grade with flying colors onto second grade I went.  Second grade was just as uneventful except for one thing.... Since I was born in Korea I arrived in the US as a non citizen (immigrant? Can you call a baby an immigrant?). I became a citizen during second grade. Why am I able to so easily associate it to second grade you ask? When my principal of my school Dr. Kane found out that I was going to become a citizen he organized a class trip around it for some of the older grades at the school. I received cards and flowers from the school and my friends. It was quite a big deal for me and the school and that small farm town that I lived in. It was also technically my first appearance in a local newspaper.. There I was proud and happy with no front teeth for all to see since I had lost them the day before. I say technically because there was one other time as a baby that my mom set me up to play Baby Jesus in a Christmas play for the church... And again I say technically because my irritated baby self would not sit in the manger they had set up so they were forced to use a doll. So I don't think I was actually in that picture. 
At this point in my life getting ready to enter 3rd grade I still don't understand that massive odd place that awaits me. 

With the assumption that this history lesson may be getting dull, it is coming to an end... There will, of course be bits and pieces from my historical timeline at random times throughout future posts.

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